OBIC Conference 2023
Energy Crisis and Security Challenges in the World:
Sustainable Responses of the Asian Economies and Societies
May 5, 2023
Budapest, Hungary
Venue: Budapest Business School, 1055 Budapest, Markó Street 29-31
On May 5, 2023, OBIC organizes its sixth OBIC Conference at Budapest Business School with the support of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Central Bank of Hungary).
Registration: free of charge
During the international conference, guests can listen to various, engaging topics ranging from geopolitics and economics to intercultural relations, and examine the diverse steps taken in Asia to tackle the challenges arising from the global energy crisis and other threats as well as developments.
Topic of the Conference
While it was well known that the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the international supply and value chains, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, tensions around the Taiwan strait, rivalization for the Arctic areas seem to be a kind of introduction to a new cold war in the world. In such a political environment, the trends of globalization, moreover the criteria of the investment-friendly economic environment have to be revised. The importance of the local and regional solutions come into the forefront, new - shorter, safer, and less costly - supply chains have to be developed. In general, both in business and in the society, the local, energy-saving solutions will gain importance. Therefore, especially in case of the energy-importer countries, like many of the Asian and European economies, this will be the way of the future. However, the way and the cost of such a realignment can be different from country to country. The increasing use of renewable energy sources, the progress in digitalization, and social awareness may give us hope that Asian countries will be able to give successful and beneficial responses to these challenges, like the development of smart cities and focusing increasingly on the locally available human and natural resources.
The goal of the OBIC Conference is to provide scholars and professionals with an excellent opportunity to exchange their views and share experiences in this broad field. PhD candidates are also welcome to present their most recent research in a separate panel.
Since Budapest Business School (BBS) focuses on applied sciences in its research agenda, the OBIC Conference would mainly invite papers focusing on the following topics - in relationship with Asia - and arrange the panels according to them.
Topics and panel themes:
- Energy security, use of renewable energy sources
- Climate change, global water crisis
- Political and economic challenges
- Global value chains
- Urbanization - smart cities
- Interregional economic, trade and investment relations
- Digitalization
- Science, technology and innovation (STI) and social development
- Migration