PhD Conference 2019
The Past and the Future of Hungary's Diplomatic and Trade Relations with East Asia
In 2019 we will celebrate noticeable anniversaries. It will be 150 years ago when Hungary established diplomatic relations with Japan, 70 years ago with China and 30 years ago with the Republic of Korea. This triple anniversary gives an excellent opportunity for looking back and review the history, the present state and the future challenges of these relationships.
Nine engaging presentations will be held on Hungary's diplomatic and trade relations with East Asia by PhD Candidates from different Doctoral Schools of Hungary and Foreign Universities.
The PhD Conference is organized second time by the Oriental Business and Innovation Center (OBIC).
- The PROGRAM is already available.
- As well as the CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS are available.
- Attendance is free of charge but registration is required.
Language of the conference: English
Hope to see you all at the Conference.

The Publication of the Presented Papers on the PhD Conference will be expected in May-June, 2019.