Dialogues with the Orient I

Dialogues with the Orient
Introduction of the MNB Educational Club
27th November 2018
The first event of the 'Dialogues with the Orient' series of events will be organized by the Oriental Business and Innovation Center (OBIC). Three invitied experts will cover the topic of the 'Possible Effects of the International Trade War in East Asia'. Moreover, the MNB Educational Club of the Central Bank of Hungary will also introduce itself.
Venue: BBU, Markó Street 29-31., Second floor, Lotz Hall
Language of the event: Hungarian
Attendance is free of charge but registration is required HERE.
15.30-15.40 Welcome speech: Gabriella Cs. Tóth, PhD - Director for Education of the Central Bank of Hungary
15.40-15.50 Introduction of the Program for Public Thinking and Educational Cooperation and the Student Association of the Central Bank of Hungary: Anita Pongrácz
15.50-16.50 OBIC Dialogues with the Orient: Possible Effects of the International Trade War in East Asia
Moderator: Csaba Moldicz; OBIC Head of Research
Levente Horváth; former Consul General of Hungary in Shanghai
Richárd Mohr; Director of the Confucius Institute - Szeged
Viktor Eszterhai; PAIGEO Senior Researcher
from 16.50 Reception and registration for the MNB Student Association