
OBIO Book Series

The OBIO Book Series is a freely available, online, digital publication.


The OBIO Book Series publishes original research articles and analyses in all the major fields of business and economic research, international relations, and other social sciences within the geographic scope of Asia. Each issue of the book series reaches several academics, professionals in economics, government, and financial institutions. Published twice a year, the book series is the publication of the Oriental Business and Innovation Office of Budapest Business University, the largest business university in Hungary, committed to teaching and studying business and economics.

Aims and Scope

The Book Series publishes leading research across all the major fields of business, economics and international relations research related to Asia or Asian countries. Each issue focus on a specific field or a particular country, the details of which will appear in the call for papers. Issues of the book series are sent to libraries all over the world, government and financial institutions and universities and can be reached freely on the website of OBIO as follows. The distinguished contributors cover all fields of business, economy and international relations related to Asia.

Published by Budapest Business University, Oriental Business and Innovation Office (H-1165, Diósy Lajos str. 22-24)
Responsible for publishing: Prof. Dr. Balázs Heidrich, Rector

Abstracting and Indexing Information

The OBIO Book Series is archived by

  • REAL-EOD - repository of the Library and Information Office, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Eurasian Scientific Journal Index