OBIC Book Series 2
Cities in Asia
Editors: György Iván Neszmélyi, Pál Koudela
Published: August 15, 2023
Published by the Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences, Oriental Business and Innovation Center (H-1165, Diósy Lajos Str. 22-24)
DOI: 10.29180/978-615-6342-64-5
ISBN 978-615-6342-63-8 (Print)
ISBN 978-615-6342-64-5 (Online)
ISSN 2939-712X (Online)
ISSN 3003-9487 (Print)
"(...)The main goal of publishing the present book of studies as the newest issue of OBIC Book Series was to present several characteristic examples from Asia with the view of broaden the Readers' scope about the challenges of cities in Asia by providing up-to-date information and analysis focusing on their changing international role, internal structure, economic development, technological innovations, and social changes. Our authors pursued their research not only by focusing on the regional and spatial aspects of urbanization process, but they extended their work to the connected fields of economy, business, administration, regional and social sciences as well (...)."
About the Authors
Foreword - pp. 11-13.
Jakarta in a Time of Political and Economic Change: Capital Transformation, City Resilience, and Collaborative Governance - pp. 15-42.
Authors: Muhamad Iksan, Jenn-Jaw Soong, and Muhammad Fajar Anandi
DOI: 10.29180/978-615-6342-64-5_1