International Trips

Every year, numerous BBU delegations pay a visit to East Asian countries in the form of international networking trips. OBIC actively supports such journeys, whose main objective is to strengthen the relations with present and establish collaboration with future partner institutions.
BBU Delegation in China - 09-16. 06. 2019
Between 9-16 June 2019, a BBU delegation paid a visit to China. The members of the delegation travelled to Beijing and Chongqing, where they carried out discussions with current and potential partners, like the Beijing Union University.
BBU Delegation in South Korea - 01-08. 06. 2019
On 1-8 June 2019, a high-level delegation of BBU travelled to South Korea. During the trip, in order to strengthen their collaboration, they visited three partner institutions of BBU: the Kookmin University in Seoul, the SolBridge International School of Business in Daejeon and the Dongseo University in Busan.

NIBS 2019 Conference, China - 08-10. 05. 2019

The annual NIBS (Network of International Business Schools) Conference was visited by the delegation of BBU between 8-10 May 2019 in Harbin, China. The event's special significance was the announcement of next year's venue: in 2020 the NIBS Conference would be organized in Budapest in cooperation with BBU.
APAIE 2019 Conference, Malaysia - 25-29. 03. 2019
Between 25-29 March 2019, two BBU representatives took part in the 14th APAIE (Asia-Pacific Association for International Edication) Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The conference provided the opportunity to meet and negotiate with the representatives of numerous East Asian universities in one place and get to know their institutions' programs.

Dongseo University, Busan, South Korea - 25.04.-01.05. 2017

During the BBU delegation's visit to South Korea between 25 April and 1 May 2017, the signing of a partnership agreement took place with the renowned Dongseo University, whereby the partner relations of BBU had expanded with a new East Asian institution.