International Delegations
OBIC is active in upholding the old partnerships and establishing new ones, therefore, delegations often pay a visit, especially from East Asian universities.
Delegation from Universitas Pendidkan Indonesia
On 1 December 2023, the reprezentatives from Universitas Pendidkan Indonesia (UPI) visited Budapest Business University. The aim of this visit was to discuss the fine details of a proposed partnership agreement between the two institutes. On the top of student exchange possibilities, further fields of collaboration and cooperation was discussed as well.

Delegation from National Formosa University
On 16 September 2022, the delegation of National Formosa University (NFU) visited Budapest Business University. NFU has been the partner of BBU since 2015. Now, during the meeting with BBU representatives, the discussed topics included student exchange, summer school and other short programs as well as potential research cooperation.

Delegation from Universiti Sains Malaysia

Delegation from Beijing Union University
On 27 May 2019, the delegation of Beijing Union University visited BBU. Representatives of BBU, headed by Prof. Balázs Heidrich, PhD, rector, welcomed them in the impressive Lotz Hall of the Markó Street building. Within the framework of the meeting, the signing ceremony of the agreement on student exchange took place marking the will to intensify cooperation.
Delegation from Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages
On 4 December 2018, a delegation of one of BBU' partner institutions, the Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages arrived to BBU. After meeting with Prof. Balázs Heidrich, PhD, rector of BBU, they had the chance to look around in the two central buildings of BBU in Markó Street and Alkotmány Street.

Delegation from Shandong Management University
On 5 November 2018, four members of the Chinese Shandong Management University (SMU) visited the office of OBIC. The discussion focused on possible cooperation between SMU and BBU, and afterwards the delegation was guideda round in the building of the Faculty of International Management and Business.